How to Clean a Self-Cleaning Oven

Cleaning your oven can be a daunting task. It often seems like the mess is never-ending, and it’s hard to know where to start. Thankfully, there is a way to clean your self-cleaning oven without any of the hassle! In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps that you need to take in order to clean your oven quickly and easily. Keep reading for more information!

Oven Cleaning Tips

The first step in cleaning your oven is to remove all of the racks and shelves. Next, you will need to mix together a solution of hot water and dish soap. Be sure to use a non-abrasive soap, such as Dawn dishwashing liquid. Once the solution is mixed, pour it into a spray bottle and spritz it onto the interior walls of the oven. Let the solution sit for about 15 minutes, then use a sponge or scrub brush to scrub away any residue.

Once the interior walls are clean, move on to the oven door. Remove the door from the hinges and place it in a bathtub or sink filled with hot water and dish soap. Let it soak for about 15 minutes, then scrub away any residue with a sponge or scrub brush.

Finally, rinse the oven and door off with hot water and allow them to air dry. Replace the racks and shelves, and your oven will be clean and ready to use!

Cleaning your oven can seem like a daunting task, but with these simple steps, it can be quick and easy! Follow these instructions to clean your self-cleaning oven without any hassle.

-Remove all of the racks and shelves from the oven.

-Mix together a solution of hot water and dish soap in a spray bottle. Spritz it onto the interior walls of the oven. Let it sit for about 15 minutes.

-Use a sponge or scrub brush to scrub away any residue.

-Remove the door from the hinges and place it in a bathtub or sink filled with hot water and dish soap. Let it soak for about 15 minutes.

-Scrub away any residue with a sponge or scrub brush.

-Rinse the oven and door off with hot water and allow them to air dry.

-Replace the racks and shelves, and your oven will be clean and ready to use!

How Often Should I Clean My Self Cleaning Oven

The interior walls of your self-cleaning oven should be spritzed with a solution of hot water and dish soap almost every time you use it but you can do it weekly depending on how much you use your oven. This will help to keep the oven clean and free of residue. The door of the oven should also be soaked in a bathtub or sink filled with hot water and dish soap once a month. Finally, the racks and shelves should be cleaned every few months using a mixture of hot water and dish soap.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check back soon for more blog posts on home cleaning tips and tricks.

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